November, 2022 Archives

3 Ways to Fix a Hole in the Wall

If you need to fix a hole in your wall, whether it’s small or large, you can try to fix it yourself before calling a professional: here’s how to do it.

Accidents happen, and if you find yourself with a sizeable hole in your wall, you can fix it on your own without the help of a professional. Below you’ll find instructions for how to patch up any different sized holes, whether it’s from a small nail or something larger.

How to patch small holes

Luckily, small holes are pretty easy to fix, so you don’t need to worry when using nails to hang up your frames. Some spackling paste, paint that’s the same color as your wall, and a putty knife are all you need to get the job done, just follow these steps.

  1. Put a small amount of the spackling paste on your putty knife, and carefully spread the paste over the hole in your wall.
  2. Use your putty knife to smooth out the paste, and make it look as seamless and flat as possible between the wall and putty. You may need to use a damp cloth to wipe away any excess paste around the hole.
  3. Allow the patch to dry fully.
  4. Paint over the patch, using the same color paint as your wall, so the paste won’t be noticeable.

How to patch medium holes

Golf ball sized holes can be a bit more of a challenge, but it’s still completely doable. Gather up the tools you’ll need: some fiberglass mesh tape (or sheetrock tape), joint compound, paint, a putty knife, and sandpaper, and then follow this guide.

  1. Take a piece of your fiberglass mesh tape and cover it over the hole. You could also use sheetrock tape that’s been soaked in water.
  2. Using your putty knife, apply the joint compound and spread it over the taped hole. Make sure it’s as smooth as possible.
  3. Let the first coat dry, according to manufacturer instructions, and keep applying more layers until you have a smooth, blended in surface.
  4. After completely dry, sand down the patch in any raised areas. You shouldn’t feel any seams between the wall and your fix.
  5. Prime and paint over the hole using the same color as the wall.

How to patch large holes

With a bit of time and effort, you can fix large holes in your drywall without calling in a professional. Here’s what you’ll need: a spare piece of drywall, a drywall saw, drywall knives, joint tape, two furring strips, joint compound, sandpaper, screws, a drill, paint, and a razor knife.

  1. Cut around the hole in your wall, making a neat rectangle or square.
  2. Cut out a piece of drywall the same size as the new hole.
  3. Attach your furring strips behind the left and right sides of the hole by screwing them into the wall. Make sure that the screws are in deep, beneath the drywall surface.
  4. Put your drywall piece into place, and screw it deep into the furring strips.
  5. Apply your joint tape around the edges of the patch.
  6. Grab your joint compound, and apply a thin layer over your work, making sure that the edges are as flat as possible. Let it dry (use the time recommended by the compound manufacturer) and if it’s not looking smooth, apply more coats to even it out.
  7. Sand down the surface to make it even smoother.
  8. Depending on your wall, you might want to add some texture to blend the patch in. You could use a stipple brush and plaster.
  9. Paint over the patch to match your wall color; you’ll probably need to apply a second coat once the first dries completely.

Photo credit: kilukilu/Shutterstock